Engaging and accessible resources for GCSE and A-Level English and Drama. Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes and exam practice developed by a teacher with over 20 years teaching experience. You can feel confident that the resources are classroom tested and up to date. If you liked one of your purchases and want one for free, leave a 5* review and email ravenresources@yahoo.com. Include your TES username and your preferred resource. Before you know it, you'll have a second resource absolutely free.
Engaging and accessible resources for GCSE and A-Level English and Drama. Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes and exam practice developed by a teacher with over 20 years teaching experience. You can feel confident that the resources are classroom tested and up to date. If you liked one of your purchases and want one for free, leave a 5* review and email ravenresources@yahoo.com. Include your TES username and your preferred resource. Before you know it, you'll have a second resource absolutely free.
ALL NEW questions in a highly visual 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Summer quiz. Ten rounds with 70 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds).
Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams) and suitable for any lesson or form group. A response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Round One: Who is in disguise?
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Odd One Out
Round Four: Name the Summer Song
Round Five: Multiple Choice
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: Rank and File
Round Eight: First and Last
Round Nine: Name the Number
Round Ten: Singer Pseudonyms
Tie breakers
Some rounds have ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest.
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Actor Anagram, Odd One Out, Name the Object, Rank and File, Name the Number and Celebrity Pseudonyms rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams. Marking the responses can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
The nine rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Actor Anagrams), Round Three (Odd One Out), Round Four (Name the Summer Song) and Round Ten (Name the Number) could take longer for students to answer. You could give students up to five minutes per question. Alternatively, the quiz could be moved through reasonably briskly.
Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
An ALL NEW varied 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Easter quiz with nine rounds with 65 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds).
Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams). Nine different rounds with a total of 65 questions (some with ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest). The quiz will take between an hour and 1 hour 30 minutes to complete. An response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers. Many of the rounds resist Googling the answers with cryptic elements or multiple parts. The quiz is not completely Google proof, but provides sufficient challenge (especially if questions are moved briskly by the teacher). The quiz cannot be won by Googling the answers alone but maintains clear answers.
Round One: Disguised as a Bunny
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Who am I? Cartoon Character Edition
Round Four: Name the Song
Round Five: Rank and File
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: First and Last Movie Lines
Round Eight: Name the Number
Round Nine: Baby Animals
Two Tie Breaker Questions
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Actor Anagrams, Who am I?, Rank and File, Name the Object and Name the number are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
The Name the Song and First and Last rounds have an electronic voice reading. Either turn on your speakers, or not, depending on your preference.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams and work through the questions that can create further discussion. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
A varied 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Christmas quiz. Ten rounds with 70 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). Appropriate for teams or individuals. An answer sheet is included with a teacher’s answer sheet.
Round One: Who is in disguise?
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Rank and File
Round Four: Name the Christmas Song
Round Five: Winter Festivals - Multiple Choice
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: Odd One Out
Round Eight: First and Last Movie Lines
Round Nine: Name the Number
Round Ten: Fact or Fiction?
Tie breakers
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Rank and File round, Actor Anagram, Name the object, Odd One Out, Name the number and Fact or Fiction? rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of another team and work through a range of questions that can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged students.
The ten rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Name the Christmas Song) and Round Four (Actor Anagrams) can take longer for students to answer. A one minute time limit is included in the actor anagrams in Round Four, but students can be given more time. The other questions in the quiz can be moved through at a brisk pace. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
Easter already and you’ve already used the Christmas and Summer Quiz? Try the Easter Quiz.
Or pick up the 2022 End of Term Quiz Bundle.
30 pages of blank comic book template pages with speech, thought and action bubbles. Useful for many different activities. Get your students to create comic books stories, or storyboard a play or story. Use the boxes to organize ideas and themes. Create character profiles. Use the central circle and surrounding boxes to brainstorm. Use the directional boxes for developing stages in a process. Write instructions. Create information pages.
The speech bubbles, thought bubbles and action bubbles can be cut out and stuck onto the pages. They can be coloured and used to illustrate the comic books pages. Print onto sticker sheets and peel off the bubbles.
In addition to 30 pages of blank comic book pages, there is a set of pages with narrative boxes to add variety to the pages.
All pages are presented in pdfs with clear lines for easy printing and photocopying.
An ALL NEW highly visual 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Summer quiz. Ten rounds with 70 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams) and suitable for any lesson or form group. A response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Round One: Who is in disguise?
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Odd One Out
Round Four: Name the Summer Song
Round Five: Multiple Choice
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: Rank and File
Round Eight: First and Last
Round Nine: Name the Number
Round Ten: Celebrity Pseudonyms
Tie breakers
Some rounds have ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest.
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Actor Anagram, Odd One Out, Name the Object, Rank and File, Name the Number and Celebrity Pseudonyms rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams. Marking the responses can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
The nine rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Actor Anagrams), Round Three (Odd One Out), Round Four (Name the Summer Song) and Round Ten (Name the Number) could take longer for students to answer. You could give students up to five minutes per question. Alternatively, the quiz could be moved through reasonably briskly.
Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
A great 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute Olympic games quiz. Nine rounds with 80 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams) and suitable for any lesson or form group. A response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Round One: Olympic Mascots
Round Two: Name the Athlete
Round Three: Rank and File
Round Four: Who Am I? Olympic Sport Edition
Round Five: Match the Nationality
Round Six: Multiple Choice
Round Seven: Country Anagrams
Round Eight: Host Cities
Round Nine: Colourful Olympic Rings
Tie breaker
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Mascot, Rank and File, Who am I, Match the Nationality, Country Anagram and Colourful Olympic Rings rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams and work through a range of questions that can create further discussion. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes.
You control the appearance of the answers. This allows you to move quickly through the answers or invite discussion with your class.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free Summer quiz.
A varied quiz for any lesson, form term or group. Appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). A range of eight rounds of 60 questions (some with ten questions, some with five depending on the difficult and level of interest). Will take between an hour and 1 hour 30 minutes to complete.
Appropriate for teams or individuals.
An answer sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
• Round One: Chocolate Slogans
• Round Two: Bunny Anagrams
• Round Three: Disguised as a Bunny
• Round Four: What is that object?
• Round Five: Rank and File
• Round Six: First and Last
• Round Seven: Multiple Choice
• Round Eight: Name that number
• Tie breakers
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Rank and File, Bunny Anagram and Name the Object rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark each other’s answers and work through a range of questions that can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
The eight rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Bunny Anagrams) has a 90 second timer that can be shortened to 45 seconds or removed and made longer. Round Eight (Name the Number) can take longer for students to answer. It can a good idea to give them about five minutes per question. The other questions in the quiz can be moved through at a brisk pace. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
Available in an End of Term Quiz Bundle
A varied 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Christmas quiz. Ten rounds with 70 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). Appropriate for teams or individuals. An answer sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Round One: Who is in disguise?
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Rank and File
Round Four: Name the Christmas Song
Round Five: Multiple Choice
Round Six: What is that object?
Round Seven: Odd One Out
Round Eight: First and Last Christmas Movie
Round Nine: Name the Number
Round Ten: Who am I? Christmas Edition
Tie breakers
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Rank and File round, Actor Anagram, Name the object, Odd One Out, Name the number and Who am I? rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark each other’s answers and work through a range of questions that can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged students.
The ten rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Name the Christmas Song) and Round Four (Actor Anagrams) can take longer for students to answer. A one minute time limit is included in the actor anagrams in Round Four, but students can be given more time. The other questions in the quiz can be moved through at a brisk pace. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
A great 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Summer quiz. Ten rounds with 70 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams) and suitable for any lesson or form group. A response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Round One: Who is in disguise?
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Odd One Out
Round Four: Name the Summer Song
Round Five: Multiple Choice
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: Rank and File
Round Eight: First and Last
Round Nine: Celebrity Couples
Round Ten: Name that Number
Three tie breakers
Some rounds have ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest.
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Actor Anagram, Odd One Out, Name the Object, Rank and File and Name that Number rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams. Marking the responses can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
The nine rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Actor Anagrams), Round Three (Odd One Out), Round Four (Name the Summer Song) and Round Ten (Name the Number) could take longer for students to answer. You could give students up to five minutes per question. Alternatively, the quiz could be moved through reasonably briskly.
Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
A varied 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Easter quiz with nine rounds with 65 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds).
Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams). Nine different rounds with a total of 65 questions (some with ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest). The quiz will take between an hour and 1 hour 30 minutes to complete. An response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers. Many of the rounds resist Googling the answers with cryptic elements or multiple parts. The quiz is not completely Google proof, but provides sufficient challenge (especially if questions are moved briskly by the teacher). The quiz cannot be won by Googling the answers alone but maintains definitive answers.
Round One: Disguised as a Bunny
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Who am I? Chocolate edition
Round Four: Name the Song
Round Five: Rank and File
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: Multiple Choice
Round Eight: First and Last Movie Lines
Round Nine: Name the Number
Three Tie Breaker Questions
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Actor Anagrams, Who am I?, Rank and File, Name the Object and Name the number are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
The Name the Song and First an Last rounds have an electronic voice reading. Either turn on your speakers, or not, depending on your preference.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams and work through the questions that can create further discussion. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
A varied 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute end of term Christmas quiz. Ten rounds with 65 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). Appropriate for teams or individuals. A response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Round One: Who is in disguise?
Round Two: Name the Christmas Song
Round Three: Rank and File
Round Four: Actor Anagrams
Round Five: Multiple Choice
Round Six: Lost in Translation
Round Seven: What is that object?
Round Eight: First and Last
Round Nine: Name the Number
Round Ten: What am I? Christmas Dessert Edition
Tie breakers
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Rank and File round, Actor Anagrams, Name the object and Name the number rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark each other’s answers and work through a range of questions that can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
The nine rounds of questions last for between 50 minutes and 1 hour (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Name the Christmas Song) and Round Four (Actor Anagrams) can take longer for students to answer. You could give students longer than the timer in the Round Four anagrams. The other questions in the quiz can be moved through at a brisk pace if you want to cut down the total time. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
Three quizzes ideal for the end of Autumn, Spring and Summer term with Christmas, Easter and Summer themes. Quizzes are great for any lesson, form term or group. Appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds). A range of rounds with 60 to 75 questions (some with ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest). Each quiz takes between an hour and 1 hour 30 minutes to complete. Appropriate for teams or individuals, but more fun with teams.
An answer sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoints answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Rank and File round, Actor Anagram, What is that object and Name that number rounds are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once each quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams and work through a range of questions that can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
Whole quiz time for each quiz: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Christmas Quiz Rounds:
• Round One: Who is in disguise?
• Round Two: Name the Christmas Song
• Round Three: Rank and File
• Round Four: Actor Anagrams
• Round Five: Multiple Choice
• Round Six: Lost in Translation
• Round Seven: What is that object?
• Round Eight: First and Last
• Round Nine: Name that number
• Tie breakers
Easter Quiz Rounds:
• Round One: Chocolate Slogans
• Round Two: Bunny Anagrams
• Round Three: Disguised as a Bunny
• Round Four: What is that object?
• Round Five: Rank and File
• Round Six: First and Last
• Round Seven: Multiple Choice
• Round Eight: Name that number
• Tie breakers
Summer Quiz Rounds:
• Round One: Who is in disguise?
• Round Two: Name the Summer Song
• Round Three: Rank and File
• Round Four: Actor Anagrams
• Round Five: Multiple Choice
• Round Six: Lost in Translation
• Round Seven: What is that object?
• Round Eight: First and Last
• Round Nine: Name that number
• Tie breakers
Try out the free Summer quiz.
An ALL NEW and varied 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minute Easter 2024 fun end of term quiz with nine rounds with 65 questions appropriate for secondary school and college students (key stage 4 and 5, 11 to 18 year olds).
Appropriate for teams or individuals (more fun with teams). Nine different rounds with a total of 65 questions (some with ten questions, some with five depending on the difficulty and level of interest). The quiz will take between an hour and 1 hour 30 minutes to complete. An response sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers. Many of the rounds resist Googling the answers with cryptic elements or multiple parts. The quiz is not completely Google proof, but provides sufficient challenge (especially if questions are moved briskly by the teacher). The quiz cannot be won by Googling the answers alone but maintains definitive answers.
Round One: Disguised as a Bunny
Round Two: Actor Anagrams
Round Three: Who am I? Game Board Edition
Round Four: Name the Song
Round Five: Rank and File
Round Six: Name the Object
Round Seven: First and Last Movie Lines
Round Eight: Name the Number
Round Nine: International Sweets
Two Tie Breaker Questions
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Actor Anagrams, Who am I?, Rank and File, Name the Object and Name the number are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
The Name the Song and First and Last rounds have an electronic voice reading. Either turn on your speakers, or not, depending on your preference.
Once the quiz has been completed, students mark the answers of the other teams and work through the questions that can create further discussion. Working through the answers takes between 15 and 20 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Questions are appropriate to a secondary school and college aged student.
Whole quiz time: 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the free end of term quiz.
A great 30 minute quiz for any subject lesson, form, class or group. Five different rounds of five questions. Appropriate for teams or individuals. A student answer sheet is included with a teacher’s sheet that includes all the answers.
• Round One: Celebrities in Disguise
• Round Two: Song Lyrics
• Round Three: Rank and File
• Round Four: Actor Anagrams
• Round Five: General Knowledge Multiple Choice
• Tie Breaker
Students work through a highly visual PowerPoint answering five questions in each round. The animations in the PowerPoint allow you to create interest and allow students time to answer questions. Examples of the Rank and File round and Actor Anagrams are included to make instructions clear and accessible.
Once the quiz had been completed, students mark each other’s answers, working through a range of questions that can create further discussion.
Questions are appropriate for a high school/secondary school and college aged students.
The five rounds of questions last for between 25 and 30 minutes (depending on how much time you give students to answer the questions). Round Two (Song Lyrics) and Round Four (Actor Anagrams) can take longer for students to answer. It is a good idea to give them about five minutes per anagram in Round Four. The other questions in the quiz can be moved through at a brisk pace. Working through the answers takes about 10 minutes. You can slow the progress down or speed it up depending on your group or lessons.
Whole quiz time: 30 to 45 minutes.
The PowerPoint can be edited and adapted allowing you to change any questions to suit your students.
Try out the Christmas 2023 Quiz
[Or the Easter 2024 Quiz]
Or the Summer 2024 Quiz
[Or the Olympic Games Quiz] (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/olympic-games-quiz-2024-13002373)